Multimedia Storytelling

My Blog

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What is the importance of storytelling for businesses?

Everyone knows the importance of marketing and expanding the presence of their brand. Many people think that just snapping a photo or putting a small video together will do the trick. But have you ever stopped to think about what the story is behind your company? What made you want to start it? What inspires you to keep moving forward? That is what your future clients will connect with.

In all industries, companies are realizing that their potential clients have almost too many options when it comes to working with companies. What will make them choose you over your competitors is an emotional connection with your brand.

Obviously, providing a stellar product and services is key, but having an engaging website and social media presence is also essential.

Marketing companies will offer you content that they claim will boost your profile and SEO ranking. While it is correct that consistently adding content will help your ranking with search engines, it is also extremely important to have content that truly conforms to what your brand is about.

It also has to be original and engaging. You own an interesting , original company. You should have content that reflects that.

Coming from a journalistic background, I have witnessed the growing trend of incorporating storytelling into marketing. Over the past two years, I have seen the shift toward this type of marketing and it inspired me to bring both my journalistic and marketing experience into one focus.

What I offer is a boutique marketing experience where we will figure out your story and how you want to tell it. Through professional photography and video as well as blogging and social media strategy, we will tell your audience who you are, what you do and why you are the best individual, organization or company for the job

Nova Scotia, Canada